
EMAK Workshop 11: Transitions toward Net Zero Energy Building

Event Information

This workshop was organised under the auspices of the Energy Management Action Network (EMAK), a Task Group of the Energy Efficiency Hub, led by Japan and supported by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) as the operating agent.

The workshop highlighted policies related to building energy efficiency and conservation and best practices for energy-efficient buildings, including staged approach to implementing net-zero. Speakers discussed common challenges in implementing building energy efficiency and conservation policies and how to overcome them through sharing of information, knowledge and experience.

The workshop was organised by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) of Japan and hosted by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) of Singapore.

To learn more about EMAK: visit our dedicated Task Group page. For additional materials and videos regarding this workshop, visit ECCJ’s webpage.

To learn more about the topical discussions that took place, download the EMAK 11 Workshop Report.




Session 1: Effective Policy Packages for Sustainable and Energy Efficient Building - Pathway to net-zero energy building

Chaired by Mr. Joji Koike, ECCJ

    1. Japan’s policy and strategy in the building sector towards Carbon Neutrality
      Mr. Haruto Shinoda, Assistant Director, International Affairs Office, ANRE, METI, Japan
    2. Towards Net-Zero Buildings in Canada
      Mr. Jérôme Bilodeau, Director, Office of Energy Efficiency, Canada
    3. Toward Carbon Neutrality in Building sector in ASEAN
      Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Energy
    4. Transitioning to Net-zero Commercial Buildings in Australia
      Mr. Stanford Harrison, Director, Commercial Building Policy, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Australia

Session 2: The Best Practice examples towards Net-Zero Carbon goals in the Building sector

Chaired by Mr. Masashi Hoshino, ANRE, METI

    1. Singapore’s Sustainability Drive Towards Zero Energy, Ms. Farizan d’Avezac de Moran, Senior Partner, GreenA Consultants Pte Ltd, Singapore
    2. ZEB conversion retrofit of existing building in Malaysia, Mr. Steve Anthony Lojuntin, Director, Sustainable Energy Development Authority, Malaysia
    3. The Best Practice examples towards carbon neutrality goals in the building sector, Mr. Zhang Yigong, Project Engineer, China Quality Certification Centre, China
    4. Energy Saving Technology Towards ZEB and SLEB as a Private Construction
      Company in Singapore, Dr. Takamasa Hasama, Senior Research Engineer, Kajima Technical Research Institute Singapore
    5. Climate-neutral construction and refurbishment – best practice examples from Germany, Mr. Manuel Palz, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Germany

Session 3: Panel Discussion on Promotion of EE&C toward achievement of Net-Zero Energy Building

Moderated by Dr. Yoshitaka Ushio, ECCJ

    1. Key policy issues to enhance awareness of building owners to promote ZEB: ASEAN Centre for Energy (Dr. Nuki Agya Utama), Energy Efficiency Hub (Ms. Kristina Klimovich), Germany (Mr. Manuel Palz), Japan (Mr. Haruto Shinoda)
    2. Technical challenges for promote and disseminate ZEB:  Singapore (Ms. Farizan d’Avezac de Moran), Malaysia (Mr. Steve Anthony Lojuntin), Germany (Mr. Manuel Palz), Japan (Dr. Takamasa Hasama)

