06 Mar 2024 13:00–16:00 Paris Time

Deep Retrofit Models
Event Information
The Energy Efficiency Hub will host an internal workshop featuring dynamic exchanges among Hub Member governments on practical approaches and concrete actions to incorporate deep efficiency measures into building renovations.
Buildings account for a third of global final energy consumption and 26% of energy-related emissions, and so have tremendous potential for energy savings and emissions reduction. But deep energy retrofits are complex, expensive and involve many stakeholders. This event will bring together officials and practitioners working on models for deep retrofits to align concepts, exchange strategies for programme design and implementation, and discuss financing models.
The event is organised by the Hub’s Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EBB) Task Group, which promotes policy best practices and fosters synergies with existing stakeholders working in the field. EEB is co-chaired by the European Commission and Germany. Currently, Argentina, Brazil, China, Korea, and Saudi Arabia are Members of the EEB.
The workshop is a side-event at The Buildings and Climate Global Forum, which will gather ministers and high-level representatives of key organisations to spur decarbonisation and resilience in the buildings sector.
For more information about the event and attendance, please contact Ludwig Labuzinski at ludwig.labuzinski@dena.de.